Spiritual Healing
There are many of life’s challenges that are freely addressed through a more spiritual approach.
As a Reiki Master, Intuitive, Highly sensitive person and Empath Lorina utilises the support of our innate wisdom, higher-self and infinite resources to aid in the healing process.
Some of things Lorina can help with...
Letting go
The law of attraction and its benefits
Identifying the cause behind health issues
Unpacking the journey of self realisation
Finding acceptance with unchangeable challenges
Strengthening your self reliance
Self worthiness
Discovering tools within to support empowerment
Unhealthy patterns brought to light

Lorina's says
Spiritual healing differs from mainstream models and is about returning to the source within where true empowerment is achieved. It includes a holistic approach, acknowledging mind, body and spirit.
This approach is bringing you back to your innate abilities, akashic skills and wisdoms, higher dimensional senses that go beyond sight, sounds, smell, touch and taste.
As our earth, Gaia, transcends into the firth dimension, most of humanity is also receiving the call. Life is changing more rapidly than ever before and our personal journey is supported through this multi-faceted approach.

Uncovering the cause, supports lasting change.
Many people are tired of band-aid fixes and are ready for an inner revolution.
We are mind, body & spirit and when our whole-self is acknowledged and respected, real healing is possible.
Reaching your potential requires knowing what it is. Whatever is humanily possible, you can achieve.

Creating change
Complete respect to each person’s beliefs and choices is always a guide in all sessions.
Those people wanting to understand a bigger picture of life, their own or the collective will often find answers in this spiritually guided path.
Sometimes loneliness, low self-worth, feelings of emptiness, apathy, depression and/or anxiety can be signals that this deeper path is calling you.
We are loved and supported more than many of us are aware and this re-connection can support a more unified, conscious, balanced, empowered, happy and full filling life.